Michigan Medicine opens COVID-19 unit

Black and white image of a nurse treating a patient in the new COVID-19 unit

In response to the pandemic in March 2020, Michigan Medicine opened a COVID-19 isolation unit just six days after the first COVID-19 cases were confirmed in the state of Michigan. The 32-room, negative-pressure isolation unit was designed for optimal care of adult COVID-19 patients and optimal safety for health care workers.

“In this unprecedented time, we have moved forward with the activation of a Regional Infectious Containment Unit (RICU),” said Marschall Runge, MD, CEO of Michigan Medicine and dean of the Medical School. The unit, which was built according to CDC guidelines, “enhances care and minimizes risk of disease spread, while improving safety of patients on and off the unit, visitors and staff.”

In addition to the RICU, there are also focused locations with similar capabilities available within the university’s hospitals. All staff caring for these patients were prepared, trained and had the right supplies.

“Because of our preventive efforts, risk of infection remains low for our employees and visitors, even if you work in our hospitals or near the unit where a COVID-19 patient is isolated,” Runge said.